Effective cleaning, sanitation and disinfection of the spaces we live, learn and work has always been an important task in protecting the health and wellbeing of those who occupy them. A wide variety of pathogens can reside on the surfaces we interact with long after a person departs, and consequentially can act as a mechanism of transmission. Thus it is critical to thoroughly and effectively sanitize and disinfect surfaces to reduce the transmission of biological organisms that can adversely effect the health of humans and animals. This has never been truer or more important than it is today.

Yet there has always been a tension between the efficacy of a sanitizing/disinfectiing product and the its safety to the user. Products that are highly effective at eliminating pathogens, like bleach, can also pose environmental, health, and safety concerns. Alternatively, more benign products can be less effective sanitizers/disinfectants at best and at worst can allow biologics to develop an immunity essentially transforming into super bugs.

ECOridge has developed a highly effective biocide; it has a log kill of 99.99 log kill compared to a 99.9 of common bleach. However, because it has a near neutral pH it is not corrosive and much safer to transport, handle and store.

Sani-Powder is ideal for use residential, commercial, and medical settings.

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